Marian Gardens | Christ Cathedral

The Marian Gardens are a series of 4 Passive Prayer spaces that are reflective of the Sacred Mysteries of the New Testament. Each of the spaces embodies the attributes of the selected Gospel verses. The intent is for individuals to quietly pass through the gardens and pray the Rosary.

The Joyful Mysteries Shrine has bright, festive & happy colors; yellow & orange seeds in the concrete & colored windows cast into thick concrete walls. This elliptical Garden has two focal points, a metaphor for the dual nature of our Lord, both Divine & human. The walls are low so that the space is comfortable and connected to the surrounding context.

The Luminous Mysteries Shrine embodies Christ’s teachings on Earth. This shrine contains elements indicative of nature; blue color of water and green of foliage cast into the concrete. This shrine is circular with a focal point and is the largest to allow gatherings & fellowship.

The Sorrowful Shrine is a somber & contemplative space. It is the most enclosed of all of the shrines evoking an individual & solemn experience. The complex geometry of the Crown of Thorns trellis casts shadows on the walls & ground that will bathe the visitors in Christ’s suffering.  There are deep hues of burgundy & grey, metaphors for the blood of persecution and ash to which we all return.

The Glorious Mysteries Shrine celebrates the divine promise of the Resurrection. Two interlocking curved concrete walls are a metaphor of the transition from the mortal to the divine. The walls ascend to the center of the Shrine, drawing our eyes and experiences upward. The walls are perforated with celebratory & triumphant rhythms of vertical columns, emphasizing an upward Heavenly connection. The colors of yellow and orange are again present to celebrate the Resurrection and Ascension.

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