Mega Church? Small Church? Six Basic Principles that Strengthen your Church Regardless of Size
We’re not a church, we just design spaces for them. Our deep involvement and understanding of the flow and design needs of a congregation, however, have greatly connected us with the sacred community of Southern California. With that, we thought we’d pass along this valuable read from Outreach Magazine…
Outreach Magazine recently published an article noting that despite the size of the church, there are six important principles that all churches can use to strengthen their attendance and ministry.
These six principles are:
• Create a sense of responsibility by allowing attendees to feel like this is “my church”
• Make sure people know they are needed
• Foster personal relationships within the congregation to give attendees a greater sense of loyalty
• Using the previous three principles, a sense of accountability really helps in creating spiritual maturity within a congregation. Where there is spiritual maturity, there is spiritual growth.
• Allowing people a chance to get to know their pastor fosters a greater understanding and desire for discipleship
•Because of the previous principle, there is less of a chance for a “pastorcentric” mentality, giving the church more of a push to step up in leadership roles both within and outside of the church walls
The article shares that smaller churches with a congregation of 75 or fewer tend to have more church involvement, making these six principles easier to implement and achieve. Most churches have larger congregations, however, making these principles harder to achieve because new members and new believers tend to get lost in the crowd.
By acknowledging the principles of responsibility, loyalty, accountability, discipleship and leadership, larger goals of church attendance and spiritual growth are achieved– no matter how big a congregation is.